Multi-modal Registration

Registration of Ultrasound to MRI and CT

Image registration generally refers to the process of aligning two or more images, establishing a common coordinate system and thus achieving correspondence between the information contained within the images. For many modern applications of computer-assisted diagnosis and therapy, it has evolved into a key technology and continues to be actively investigated in research. This project is basically a meta-project – a topic I have been working on for more than 10 years now.

Show case of various technologies available in the ImFusion SDK: A RGBD scan of myself, pre-registered to a robotic arm, is used to plan a robotic 3D liver scan. The robot then executes the scan autonomously with a constant force controller, maximizing image quality while ensuring patient comfort and safety. Finally, the 3D sweep is deformably registered to a previously acquired MRI scan. A dedicated deformation model mimics the probe induced pressure onto the MR image.

Multi-modal image registration is highly challenging when ultrasound is involved:

  • Going from 2D to 3D: Typically, ultrasound images are 2D and arbitrarily oriented in space. There is no standard grid such as in CT or MRI, an external optical, electro-magnetic or robotic tracking system is needed for accurately measuring the ultrasound transducer’s position in space at any time, and complex ultrasound reconstruction (“compounding”) is needed to be even able to compare 3D ultrasound against anything else. Often, there are lots of areas between US frames where there is no information available.

  • Anisotropic Point-spread Function: The point-spread function of ultrasound transducers is quite anisotropic. In-plane, especially around the focal spot, we can achieve a good effective resolution, but out of plane, objects several millimeters away from the imaging plane may also generate echo.

  • Artifacts: Ultrasound imaging suffers from all kinds of artifacts, including shadowing and reverberation. Ultrasound cannot penetrate beyond an air gap (lungs), and seeing anything behind a bone surface is really hard (dedicated transducers) to impossible.

  • Deformations: For the acquisition, the probe needs to be pressed against the skin to achieve good acoustic coupling, sometimes creating large deformations. Image registration algorithms need to take that into account, either by undoing the deformation on the ultrasound frames to produce a deformation-free 3D ultrasound reconstruction, or by also applying the deformation onto the other, tomographic image modality.

At ImFusion, the ultrasound group is dedicated to overcoming these challenges in a product-grade way, and enabling medical devices that utilize 3D ultrasound for diagnostics, interventional guidance, and even treatment.

A common issue is the initialization of a registration, find more details there.

The objective of image registration can be achieved in two distinct ways, either by extracting and aligning a set of features from the input images (feature-based registration), or by employing the image intensities directly (intensity-based registration). Over the years, I have used most approaches to tackle hard registration problems, see a overview of related publications below.

For intensity-based registration, a similarity metric is needed during the optimization. Its purpose is to quantify how well a fixed image A and a transformed moving image B correspond in the overlapping area. At ImFusion, the proprietary similarity metric LC2 for multi-modal registration was developed and refined over the years. Recently, we found that complex, multi-modal similarity metrics such as LC2 can be approximated with a small CNN, which can be trained in a completely unsupervised fashion. As a result, gradient-based optimizers can be used (LC2 itself is not differentiable), which greatly speeds up the registration, while at the same time retraining meaningful representations across modalities to ensure a good registration result:

Similarity maps across different modalities and anatomies. Each heatmap shows the similarity of the marked point on the source image to every point in the target image. Our method (DISA-LC2) approximates LC2 well in a fraction of the computation time and produces less ambiguous heatmaps than MIND.


  1. femur_recon-e1690276031135-257x300.png
    Femur Reconstruction in 3D Ultrasound for Orthopedic Surgery Planning
    Christian Gebhardt, Lara Göttling, Lukas Buchberger, Christian Ziegler, Felix Endres, Quirin Wuermeling, Boris M. Holzapfel, Wolfgang Wein, Ferdinand Wagner, and Oliver Zettinig
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Jun 2023
  2. disa_lc2.png
    DISA: DIfferentiable Similarity Approximation for Universal Multimodal Registration
    Matteo Ronchetti, Wolfgang Wein, Nassir Navab, Oliver Zettinig, and Raphael Prevost
    In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2023, Sep 2023
    Series Title: Lecture Notes in Computer Science


  1. prostatemeandef.png
    Preconditioned intensity-based prostate registration using statistical deformation models
    Oliver Zettinig, Julia Rackerseder, Beatrice Lentes, Tobias Maurer, Kay Westenfelder, Matthias Eiber, Benjamin Frisch, and Nassir Navab
    In 2017 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017), Apr 2017
  2. needle_insertion.png
    3D ultrasound registration-based visual servoing for neurosurgical navigation
    Oliver Zettinig, Benjamin Frisch, Salvatore Virga, Marco Esposito, Anna Rienmüller, Bernhard Meyer, Christoph Hennersperger, Yu-Mi Ryang, and Nassir Navab
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Sep 2017


  1. iros_setup.jpg
    Automatic force-compliant robotic ultrasound screening of abdominal aortic aneurysms
    Salvatore Virga, Oliver Zettinig, Marco Esposito, Karin Pfister, Benjamin Frisch, Thomas Neff, Nassir Navab, and Christoph Hennersperger
    In 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Oct 2016