Hill-Sachs Assessment

Semiautomatic measurements to help shoulder surgery planning

Hill-Sachs defects are bony lesions on the posterior aspect of the humeral head that occur due to anterior shoulder dislocations. These defects can engage with the glenoid rim, leading to recurrent instability. The glenoid track concept is commonly used to assess whether a Hill-Sachs defect is at risk of engaging, but its reliability is limited due to variations in individual soft tissue structures. A newly proposed method, the global track concept, aims to improve assessment by measuring the angular distance of the defect from the center of the humeral head. However, accurately obtaining these measurements manually is challenging, leading to inconsistencies in clinical evaluations.

In this project, we partnered up with Dr. Philipp Moroder, Dr. Katrin Karpinski and colleagues to develop a prototype to partially automate these assessments. It significantly improved the reliability of Hill-Sachs defect measurements by automating calculations and reducing variability between raters. While manual methods showed good agreement for bony measurements, they were less reliable for soft tissue-based and reference point-based parameters, such as the Hill-Sachs interval and glenoid track. The automated approach achieved good reliability for the glenoid track concept and excellent reliability for the global track concept, making it a more consistent and clinically viable tool. By enhancing measurement precision, the software has the potential to improve preoperative planning and surgical decision-making for patients with shoulder instability.


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    Katrin Karpinski, Doruk Akguen, Henry Gebauer, Alp Paksoy, Mattia Lupetti, Viktoria Markova, Oliver Zettinig, and Philipp Moroder
    Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, Feb 2024
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    The Global Track Concept for Assessment of Engaging Hill-Sachs Defects in Anterior Shoulder Instability
    Philipp Moroder, Doruk Akguen, Alp Paksoy, Henry Gebauer, Nicolas Barthod-Tonnot, Mattia Lupetti, Viktoria Markova, Oliver Zettinig, Stephen Parada, and Katrin Karpinski
    The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Apr 2024