Trackerless 3D Ultrasound

Trajectory reconstruction using AI

In various scenarios, accurate 3D tracking of ultrasound probes (e.g. by optical or electro-magnetic tracking) is not feasible, but recovering the 3D trajectory of the ultrasound scan would be helpful for diagnosis, measurements, or image registration.

Using only Deep Learning, potentially an inertial measurement unit, and the powerful 3D image registration capabilities of the ImFusion Suite, we have been able to accurately predict probe motion in extremity scans, to reconstruct the 3D shape of the thyroid, and to register liver scans even when there are breathing artifacts.

This work did not only lead to successful productization by piur imaging but also high-profile publications:

Reconstruction of a sweep following the great saphenous vein (more than 60cm)


  1. wein2020miccai.png
    Three-Dimensional Thyroid Assessment from Untracked 2D Ultrasound Clips
    Wolfgang Wein, Mattia Lupetti, Oliver Zettinig, Simon Jagoda, Mehrdad Salehi, Viktoria Markova, Dornoosh Zonoobi, and Raphael Prevost
    In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2020, Sep 2020
    Series Title: Lecture Notes in Computer Science


  1. tracking-pred.png
    3D freehand ultrasound without external tracking using deep learning
    Raphael Prevost, Mehrdad Salehi, Simon Jagoda, Navneet Kumar, Julian Sprung, Alexander Ladikos, Robert Bauer, Oliver Zettinig, and Wolfgang Wein
    Medical Image Analysis, Aug 2018